News 30/12-2006 Sif is now mated with Flynn, we hope for litters in week 7/8-2007, more info under puppies 29/10-06 We have decided that Sif will be mated in June 2007. Who the lucky Sire will be, has not yet been decided yet, we have very high demands, ha has to have A hips, be clear of all hereditary diseases and not be a carrier, have hunting merits that show good cooperation, a good temperament and off course - he has to look good !! This combination will be quite rare, as many ESS in Denmark have PRA carriers on their pedigrees and also quite seldom participate in field/hunting tests. If you own or know a dog that fits this description, please contact us. 21/10-06Now it’s more than a month sins last news…there is a reason, we are working hard on our “new” old house… until now we have made new Flores in 3 rooms including heat system an electrical systems and build a chimney 6,6 meter tall, and we have gotten clean water. These House project is much bigger than expected.. In top of all this we have had Fredrik in a week, there is a new photo of him in his gallery 3/9-06 Gold Cup 2. day.. Luna was plased as 3. in puppie class, the kritiks from the jugdes are under shows. 2/9-06 Today we have been to Club show with Ajax and Luna. both was placed 2. best in puppie class, that was a super start for Ajax in the show ring. 13/8-06 Now we have moved most of our stuff and can now look forward to at couple of month in boxes... We have bought a small farm, with a lot of space for dogs and us. We are going to renovate a large part of the house… 17/7-06 We had have Frederik in 14 days and Ajax came on a visit some photos here 16/7-06 Now it is summer see some photos from our trip to the lokal fjord. 17/6-06 Show news look under our bitches 28/5-2006 Today we had our first show this year, all went well Luna got a Verry promising and 3. vinner in her class, Sif got a 1. pr. i open class 15/5-06 Today
we had the 2 of the puppies and they’re parents
for some inspiration on dog training. We had a super evening
with a lot of dog talk, some trick to learn and not learn the
puppies. We are hoping that every one got some thing that they found
useful. A huge thanks to Steen for inspiration. We had 3 puppies and 5
adult spaniels in the field…a super sight. We look forward for the next
visit. 23/4-06 Today the puppies moved to theyer new homes, we wisch all the best. Hopfully they will send us an mail to let us know they er ok. 18/4/2006 Today the puppies was chip-marked and got nams and, Because it have been an Amazing time it became our Amazing-litter, to see the names click here 16/4/06 Some photos of the puppies here 6/4/06 More photos of the puppies here 27/3/06 Now we have a new gallery, to enter click here 19/3/06 Just another super week, Sif is a perfect mum. They have just been giving ther first showen on front page. More photos here 14/3/06 It have been a super week, Sif have been a super mum and handlet all by here self.. We will from the weekend accept visiturs please phone or mail us first. 3/3/06 It have been some rough days for Sif and us. Yesterday we lost a small male again... now it have to stop.. the remaining 5 is just super. Photos of the 5. 28/2/06 The tiny littel guy wasn't to small and dide this morning. 27/2/06 The laste littel bitch was not able to live.. 26/2/06 Today Sif gave birth to 4 bitches and 4 males. More info under Puppies. and photos Weight Bitches:457g-340g-380g-250g Males:370g-450g-185g-315g 22/2/06 Sif is still filing fine but is a bit tired.. during her nab, we quietly gues on the numbers of puppies arriving.
8/2/06 Now there is only 3 weeks until Sif is giving birth. She is now starting swell. Sif is doing fine and if it wasn't because of here size, it will be difficult to tell by here behaviour that she is pregnant. We have startet to make her a birth case so now we are able to see that somthing is on it way.. 4/2/06 We have today had visit from DKK, as the last step in the breeder education therefor we may now use this logo.
19/1/06 Sif is with puppies, they will be born in week 9-2006 30/12-2005 Sif is now mated with Charlie, we hope for litters in week 9-2006, more info under puppies Sif and Freja have pasted the 400m/3h schweiss test,More under the dogs Field trail |